jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

The last Blog!

Every week, just after finishing the blog class, I must comment on my classmates’ blogs, three blogs every week, and they comment on mine, but all classes I finish last and rarely I receive a comment. In any case, I always read all the comments, and I read the others blog comments!

In the last months, the blogs that I have written have been the most difficult English texts in the year, and before, I only wrote in English at school, never in other contexts. As I had never written before in public, now my classmates are able to read my blogs and this makes all more difficult, because I must write for others and these others have to understand my blog.
Resultado de imagen para blogs

Concerning the blog activities, it has been very entertaining, it makes me think about things of my life that I had never thought commonly, such as “person/academic that I admire”, “career-related websites” and “photograph that I like more”.

Finally, now in the end of the semester I feel quieter at the moment of writing in English. Now I know the key words to start any idea that I want to express, it is like losing the fear in writing, and a learning about my form how to write.

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