jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

My little contribution

Everytime when the environment theme is mentioned i can't avoid to feel little wrong because, i don't do enough to help in a good way like other people do. Some times i have interested to participate in activities or groups of environment help, but it's temporary, i guess because of my education. In all school I have been, the learning of the enviroment care  always take lightly, in this way, i never could internalize the importance of the environment.
some acquaintances took this way seriously, so when i ask them about their recycling activities, they answer me about what they do. But is very difficult think a life completely different regarding usual practice. The fruits and vegetable composting, recycle carton, drink tins, paper, plastics bottles and others. Don't use cars or chimneys, makes a vegetable gardens, and take care about the use of energy. They are amazing!
In my house, the usual practises regarding recycling, are reuse of plastic bags, collect carton, we use electric heating, and my brother has his own vegetable garden! unfortunately the dogs company make all more difficult to him.
when i was younger,the recycling activities in my house was more constant, because the school helped motivated to do it. Now that i am older than that moment, my own little contribution to help the environment, it’s use my bike every time i can, i always prefer to drink a water bottle than buy another drink, i always check all lights in my house to make sure that they are not doing a bad use.
i think i am going to start helping the environment with the nearest thing i have, the vegatable garden of my older brother! wish me lucky!

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